You can not create an account without a Position Access Code [PAC]. Please contact EMGIS@leoncountyfl.gov for assistance setting up your account.

If your user account was created for a training class, the email address used to register you for the class will be your user name unless otherwise specified.

Passwords are case sensitive; check the caps lock.

If you have forgotten your password:

  1. Please go to the log in page
  2. Under the log in button you will see the link that allows you to retrieve your credentials
  3. Choose which email address your information is sent to Your username is always your complete professional email address

Only contact the WebEOC administrator after you have attempted a password reset and failed.

If you receive this message after attempting to login unsuccessfully:

  • Wait five minutes for the timeout to end.
  • Ensure you are using your correct user name and password. See above for help when you have forgotten your user name or password.
  • Check the website address or URL you are attempting to access.
  • If your account is still disabled, contact your administrator support personnel.

If you do not see a board you need on your control panel, it is most likely because the position you are using does not have the appropriate permissions for that board. If you feel that the position should have access to the board, please send an email to EMGIS@leoncountyfl.gov stating your position and what board you need access to.

  • Make sure you have selected your position first and then the incident.
  • If you are still missing an incident, your position does not have access to that incident. You will need to contact EMGIS@leoncountyfl.gov or the creator of the incident (such as a local EMD) to gain access to it.
  • Check the tabs on your browser as well as any additional windows that may have opened and are accessible on your desktop tool bar (most commonly at the bottom of the screen).
  • Ensure that the board is not hidden behind other open windows or boards.
  • If you have dual monitors, check your second monitor.
  • Check to see if you have been logged out.
  • If this is the case, the position you are using has read-only rights to that particular board. Remember, different positions have different boards available and different permissions to those boards.
  • Ensure you are logged into the correct positions for that incident and to the tasks assigned to you
  • In some cases the detail view may contain an Update button within. This can be used to update records.
  • If you believe you require editing rights you don’t have, contact EMGIS@leoncountyfl.gov
  • Ensure that all required fields are completed; a red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
  • Ensure that you have selected Save and have not accidentally closed the window or clicked cancel.
  • Ensure that you still have Internet connection.
  • If the problem persists, note the position you entered, the incident, and steps taken to create the error, then contact EMGIS@leoncountyfl.gov
  • Some boards have two Save buttons, one in the middle and one at the bottom of the board. In some cases you may need to click both buttons to save.
  • If attempting to save a file, ensure that the file is not too large (max file size is 20 MB).
  • Do NOT use decimals or commas when adding numerical data. This may cause an error and prevent the record from saving.
  • Check to make sure your times are accurate and logical; for example, make sure the sign-out time does not appear before the sign-in time.
  • Make sure all your filters are cleared and are at the maximum setting to ensure they are not blocking you from seeing data.
  • Clear the search field to ensure it is not limiting your view of data.
  • If you have switched positions, it is possible you will not see information you entered under another position due to different permissions and filters. If a user filter is available, it may show that data depending on the board.
  • Make sure you are logged into the same incident. Remember, most boards in WebEOC are incident dependent and will only show information from that incident.
  • Inaccurate or inappropriate data may have been removed by a controller or administrator.
  • Make sure you are logged into the same incident.
  • This is most likely related to filtering options in place. Ensure that all filters are cleared. Remember, many boards have multiple filters. Button filters will be grayed-out when selected.
  • Ensure that your search has been cleared using the Clear Search button. Simply deleting the information does not remove the search criteria.
  • Consider that your positions may not have the same permissions as another, based on function or jurisdiction.
  • If data has been restricted and your position does not meet the related criteria, you will not see the data.
  • Ensure that the Disable Refresh option at the bottom of the board is not selected and blocking data updates.
  • You may be viewing an old version of the board. If the same board is opened multiple times without being closed, only the most recently opened version of the board will update. Use the red X next to the board name on the control panel to close all open copies of that board and then reopen the board.
  • A disruption in local Internet connectivity will cause the system to log you out.
  • For security, prolonged inactivity logs off the user.
  • User accounts are limited to a single sign-on, meaning they can only be accessed from a single location. Logging on in a second location will log you out of your previous location.
  • Setting WebEOC as your homepage may cause login problems. Set a bookmark or shortcut for WebEOC rather than making it your homepage.
  • This information is being pulled from your user account information. You can delete the information and reenter it if the change is not needed consistently.
  • Remember, you can update your user information when you first log into WebEOC.
  • Some information may come from your position(s) and may not be editable. This ensures that information is not entered on behalf of another jurisdiction without consent. You may need to obtain additional position(s) to enter information as another jurisdiction.
  • Once a request is sent, most positions will not have editing rights. Updates or changes to requests can be made with direct contact (e.g., email, phone call, etc.).
  • Consider calling the position to which the request has been sent and asking that position to reassign the request to your position.
  • Your local and regional controller positions are able to reroute resource requests if needed.
GIS Activation