IDA Phone Management

When checking out the Initial Damage Assessment Phone please fill out the following below:

  • Team Lead (Your) Name.
  • The other team member(s) name.
  • The phone number will be on the phone case of the phone that was given to you. Please choose the number from the Phone Issued drop down.
  • You will be assigned a section of the County. Please choose the zip code from the Assigned Zone drop down.
  • Choose the Checked-Out button and then submit the form.

When checking in the Initial Damage Assessment Phone please fill out the following below:

  • Team Lead (Your) Name.
  • The phone number will be on the phone case of the phone that was given to you. Please choose the number from the Phone Issued drop down.
  • Choose the Checked-In button and then submit the form.

 Phone List Archive

GIS Activation